Hurrem :"Ben nefes aldığım müddetçe o dümen benim elimdedir, aksini düşünen boğazın dibinde bulur kendini!"
Hurrem: "Until, I am breathing, the rudder is in my hands. And those who think otherwise will find themselves at the bottom of Bosphorus"
Hurrem Sultan Sehzade Mustafa'ya"Keşke Mustafa, sen benim oğlum olsaydın.."
Hurrem Sultan said to Sehzade Mustafa'" I wish that you were my son..."
Mustafa:"Benim sebeb-i varlığım bu Mihrimah. Ben bunun için yetiştirildim: hakkım olan tahta çıkmak için.."
Mustafa: "The reason I exist is for this. I have been raised for this. To get on the throne I have a right to"
Mihrimah," I wish I could believe you. But let us accept that your safety means our catastrophe."
"Her erkek evlat içinde babasını taşır, her baba da evladını.."
are a reflection of their fathers, they carry signs of their fathers'
in their soul..... Every son carries his father within him and every
father his son"
Rustem," ..Due to Mihrimah Sultan, we have won a great work".
Rustem:" This letter along with Tahmasp's reply will mark the end of Shehzade Mustafa."
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